Christina Linkem Freshwater Sciences 2023

Christina Linkem

Christina is a SFS Emerge Fellow alumni (year 2 and 3) who is currently working as a Fisheries Biologist for Stillwater Sciences. Her current work focuses on habitat restoration for juvenile salmonids in Humboldt and Mendocino county in California's North Coast. Christina was a 2022-2023 Fulbright Student Scholarship recipient in Costa Rica and a subsequent awardee of the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund, where she delivered educational materials and field equipment to schools and environmental nature centers throughout Costa Rica in November 2024. Christina received her MS degree in Fisheries Science from Oregon State University in 2022 with a thesis focused on seasonal movement patterns of headwater stream living Coastal Cutthroat Trout. As an SFS member since 2021, Christina serves on the International Coordination Committee and is a co-founder of the Scholar Team for Research, Engagement, and Advancing Minority voices (STREAM).

Abstracts this author is presenting: