Ayron M Strauch
Ayron Strauch is a hydrologist with the State of Hawaii’s Commission on Water Resource Management and affiliated graduate faculty at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management. Dr. Strauch received a BA degree in Biology and Anthropology from Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri) and received interdisciplinary MS and Ph.D. degrees in Biology with a certificate in Water Systems, Science and Society from Tufts University in Boston. His research focused on ecohydrology and human-water interactions across socio-ecological systems, including the interactions among geological, ecological, and social systems on water resources. In his post-doctoral studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Dr. Strauch focused on climate- and biological-driven shifts in watershed hydrology and freshwater ecosystems, with a focus on tropical environments. He works closely with university faculty and students across the state to improve our understanding of Hawai‘i’s freshwater resources, freshwater biota, and management of water as a public trust resource. He is currently leading efforts to establish instream flow standards statewide that protect traditional and customary practices, aquatic ecosystems, and balance instream and non-instream uses. Ongoing research projects involve quantifying habitat availability and use by native and non-native aquatic biota, testing hydrological-ecological models, and cross discipline collaborations surface water-groundwater interactions, wetland ecosystems, and nearshore environments. Dr. Strauch has led efforts to expand the monitoring of freshwater resources to support water resource management, research that improves watershed modeling, and our understanding of extreme hydrological conditions such as flooding and drought.
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