Environmental water in the NSW portion of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB) is managed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment- Environment and Heritage Group (DPE-EHG). Flow regimes connect instream and fringing habitats longitudinally along rivers, and laterally across wetland and low-lying floodplain habitats through the variable nature of hydrological connectivity. Understanding the inundation regimes in floodplain wetland landscapes is critical for informing the management of wetland inundating environmental flows. Lateral connectivity is vital for creating diverse aquatic habitats across floodplain wetlands that support a wide range of frog, fish and waterbird species throughout their lifecycles. Until now, the NSW DPE EHG’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) program has focused on the mapping and monitoring of inundation regimes from satellite imagery in some of the major floodplain wetlands that receive environmental water including: Gwydir Wetlands, Macquarie Marshes, Lower Lachlan, Lower Murrumbidgee Floodplain, and the Mid-Murray (Millewa Forest only). However, there are other important ecological assets that have been missed and we plan to expand this mapping and monitoring to include the entire portion of the NSW MDB. The current challenges to this expansion are in deriving accurate inundation map products across a diverse range of wetland habitats over wetting and drying cycles to the required level of detail in near real-time. Our work will utilise improving technology and methods, whilst we endeavour to contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of ecological outcomes and our progress towards meeting the objectives of Long Term Water Plans (LTWPs) for each of the river valleys.