Freshwater ecosystems face multiple anthropogenic stressors including warming, eutrophication, and pollution from contaminants, such as (nano)plastics. Individually, these stressors are known to negatively impact aquatic organisms and the ecosystem processes they underpin, but the combined effects are not well understood, as most laboratory studies focus on effects of individual stressors. Our study aimed to characterize the interactions between three environmental risk factors – warming, eutrophication and nanoplastic pollution – to better assess the ecological impacts of global environmental changes. We conducted a large-scale 28-day experiment to investigate the fate and ecological effects of nanoplastics on constructed freshwater communities under ambient, warming and nutrient-enriched scenarios. By incorporating a palladium (Pd) trace metal polystyrene nanoplastics, we quantitatively measured nanoplastic concentrations in various ecological compartments and followed their movement through a freshwater food web. While nanoplastics were initially added to the water, they were ultimately found in all ecological compartments (seston, biofilm, macroinvertebrates, fish), with the majority found in biofilms (~97%), as revealed by mass balance. Nutrient enrichment significantly decreased nanoplastic concentrations in biofilms while warming significantly increased concentrations in fish guts. Nanoplastics, warming and nutrient enrichment had significant individual effects on biological response variables and some interactive effects were observed. Notably, nanoplastics caused a significant decline in macroinvertebrate abundance, which was exacerbated under increased warming conditions. This study represents a novel contribution to the field by examining the combined impacts of nanoplastic pollution and global environmental change factors such as warming and nutrient enrichment on freshwater ecosystem health, providing insights into the complex interplay of anthropogenic stressors.