Oral Presentation Freshwater Sciences 2023

Sydney Wetland Institute – an effective model for wetland knowledge sharing (#49)

Swapan K Paul 1
  1. Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Sydney, NSW, Australia

In October 2020, the Sydney Olympic Park Authority (Australia) launched a trial phase of the Sydney Wetland Institute (SWI): a knowledge hub for best practice in urban wetlands. It aims to provide a focal point for managers, researchers, students, public and industry as a trusted centre for knowledge and networks relating to urban wetlands in Australia and other parts of the Asia-Pacific. It will strive to formalise linkages across capacity building activities offered at Sydney Olympic Park, and elsewhere, to create a recognisable and reliable body for urban wetland education, industry research, community engagement and partnerships. SWI is the culmination and extension of Sydney Olympic Park’s field-based school excursion programs (offered for over 30 years) and Wetland Education and Training (WET) programs delivered for wetland professionals over the last 22 years. This program and the Institute can be a model of harnessing corporate technical knowledge and wisdom, then repackaging it before sharing it to benefit the industry.