Poster Presentation Freshwater Sciences 2023

A New Approach to Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring (#665)

Phillip Fox 1 , Bernadette Proemse 2
  1. Eco Detection Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  2. Derwent Estuary Program, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Water is one of our most precious and critical resources, and the management of water quality is a shared responsibility between a range of stakeholders. And while there are many dimensions to the challenge of maintaining and improving water quality, there is no doubt that accurate and timely measurement of water quality parameters is an essential part of the solution.

Eco Detection, working with leading Melbourne based technology company Grey Innovation and in collaboration with the University of Tasmania, has developed a world-first system for high quality in-situ water quality monitoring. Our system is based on capillary electrophoresis, a well-established analytical technique that we have optimised for the high-frequency measurement of dissolved inorganics in water and developed into a robust field-deployable device for fully autonomous monitoring. The detailed physiochemistry data provided by the Eco Detection system can be complemented with existing bulk water parameter sensors to provide an integrated data set that can enhance the understanding of complex processes occurring in the water body.

In partnership with the Derwent Estuary Program (DEP), a network of Eco Detection’s water quality monitoring systems has been deployed at key locations in the River Derwent catchment that represent a variety of water uses and applications, including grazing lands, dairy, industrial, and wastewater treatment. These systems have been in operation for over a year, providing an unprecedent dimension of data availability to DEP and its stakeholders.

In this presentation we will demonstrate the latest results from the project, and in particular show the outcomes of a field validation exercise that has been used to assess the performance of the systems. We will also discuss the potential opportunities for this innovative technology in other applications of water management.